This guide explains how to organize notices for better efficiency. It is intended for system administrators.
Notices enable your team to communicate easily on important tasks. You may realize after using aACE for a time that some system events generate more notices than are helpful. Often this becomes visible when large numbers of notices are left in an Incomplete status.
aACE makes it is easy to clean up notices, which in turn helps your team focus on the priority information and activities. System administrators can clean up notices using a three-phase approach:
- Identify patterns in notice usage
- Deactivate unneeded notice setups
- Update the teams designated for notice setups
Identify Patterns in Notice Usage
Navigate from Main Menu > System Admin > Notices. In the footer of the Notices module list view, click the Show All quick link. Then filter the Status column and click the Notice Setup column to sub-summarize the list and review your current notices.
After you identify the notice setups that are generating the most traffic, it can be helpful to consult with your team members to evaluate which notices are needed for your business processes. Conferring with your colleagues can help you plan the most effective adjustments. These changes can include deactivating some automated notices, changing which team members receive a certain notice, or helping your team review the documentation in order to use notices more effectively.
Deactivate Unneeded Notice Setups
If your team doesn't need any notifications about a certain event, you can deactivate the notice setup. This prevents aACE from sending those notices.
Update the Notice Setup
Navigate from Main Menu > System Admin > Notice Setups. Use the Quick Search bar to find a Setup Name that your team doesn't need. At the detail view, click Actions > Deactivate Notice Setup > Deactivate. (Note: This does not remove the notice setup from the currently assigned team.)
Clean Up Existing Notices
After you prevent the system from creating new notices for an event, you might also wish to clear out the existing notices. This can help streamline your team members' productivity.
Navigate from Main Menu > Internal > Notices. Use the Quick Search bar to locate all existing notices from a specific notice setup. Click Actions > Mark Notices in List as Void.
Update the Teams Designated for Notices
If useful notifications are being sent to the wrong team members, you can easily configure who receives the messages.
Edit the Team Members on an Existing Team
Locate the team you want to edit, either through the Notice Setups module go-to link or directly through the Teams module:
- Add a Team Member — At the Team Members listing, click on the open field at the bottom, then enter the team member's name or initials. You can also click the lupa icon (
) to search for team members.
- Remove a Team Member — Click the Delete icon (
) for that line.
Edit Which Team Receives a Notice
You can easily replace the currently assigned team with a new one. Navigate from Main Menu > System Admin > Notice Setups and locate the desired notice setup. Click Edit, then click the Team field to select a new team to receive the notifications.
Create a New Team to Receive Notices
Sometimes the best option is to create a new team record for a specific notice. This allows you to ensure the correct team members receive a certain notice. Then you can edit which team receives that notice (see above).