Exporting Records

This guide explains how to export data from aACE to a spreadsheet format. It is intended for general users.

Exporting records can help you review data in spreadsheet format, retrieve data in aACE for use elsewhere, or reconcile discrepancies in your numbers. 

FileMaker Cache Table

As with the import process, exporting data uses temporary records in a FileMaker cache table. This approach helps with validating the data. First, any existing cache records are deleted for the user running the export. During the process, you might notice a dialog message about deleting records:

This message refers to the cached files from the previous import — actual business records are never deleted during an import. 

After clearing the cache, the new records are cached. Then the cached data is transferred to an external file which is saved at the destination and in the format you specify. We recommend that you save exported data using either Excel or FileMaker spreadsheet formats. Other file formats will not retain the aACE field names for your data.

Export a Spreadsheet of Data

The export process is the same across all modules. This guide demonstrates the process using the Companies module:

  1. Navigate from Main Menu to the desired module's list view.
  2. Filter the list to show the records you want to export.
  3. Click Actions > Export [Records].
  4. At the confirmation dialog, click Export.
  5. Use your OS dialogs to specify the exported file's name, save destination, and format.
    Note: We recommend using Excel format for all exporting and importing.

In addition to business data, you can also export record logs that track system events.