Overview of My Notices

This guide provides an overview of the My Notices module in aACE . It is intended for general users.

You can manage all your internal aACE messages at the My Notices module. This module is accessible from the Main Menu through the Notices icon () in the header. Next to the icon, aACE displays the number of incomplete notices you have. 

At the My Notices list view, you can search, sort, and filter messages you have received. Click the Go-To icon (>) next to a notice to review details of an individual record:

1. General Info

You can view when the notice was sent, who sent it, and when it was delivered in the General Info section. aACE also provides a Go-To link (>) for the related record tied to the notice.

2. Other Recipients

The Other Recipients section will list any other team members the notice was sent to. If the notice was only sent to one person, this section will be empty.

Team members can choose to mark the notice as complete once the notice's topic has been fulfilled. Depending on the notice's settings, all team members may need to individually mark the notice as complete before aACE will mark the notice record as entirely complete. 

3. Message

Details for the notice will be included in the Message section. You can click the Reply icon () to enter a reply to the notice's message content. Notice replies can be sent to either all notice recipients or just to the Issued By field's listed team member. Use these replies for asking questions or clarifying the assigned task.


You can add comments to the notice by clicking the Add icon (). When you enter a comment, aACE does not send a notice to other recipients. Comments are typically used for giving progress updates on the notice's task or the status of the related records.