Sorting Records in the List View

This guide summarizes the sorting functionality in list views. It is intended for beginning users.

To work effectively with your records, you can easily sort them at each aACE list view. Sorting functionality is found in all aACE modules. This guide focuses on the Contacts module as an example.

Sorting Functionality

aACE provides several different ways to sort your records. The simplest way is by clicking the Quick Search bar column headers. Clicking a column heading one time sorts your records in ascending order. Records that begin with a number are sorted first in ascending order (0-9). Then records are listed in ascending alphabetical order (A-Z).  Clicking a column record a second time sorts them in descending order.

When you sort records, aACE notes how the records are currently sorted at the top of the list view:

aACE can further organize your records using appropriate subheadings when you click on certain Quick Search bar column headers. This is called sub-summarizing. For example, after you prepare a list of Contacts, you can click the Company Name header to group your contacts by their related company.

For more advanced sort options, you can click the Sort icon () in the Quick Search bar. These sorting options vary based on the module you are working with.

In the Sort options, the Advanced Sort... link displays a popup where advanced users can craft very detailed sorting instructions: