Troubleshooting Mailgun Errors

This guide provides information for troubleshooting Mailgun errors. It is intended for system administrators.

Third-Party Software

Mailgun is software developed and distributed by another company. Specific questions about configuring the product or troubleshooting should be addressed to that company's customer support services:

  1. Navigate to the Mailgun website.
  2. Log in with your Mailgun credentials.
  3. In the top-right, click the Support button.

Mailgun Status Website

Mailgun maintains a site where they publish the operational status of their services:

The reporting addresses the seven major systems they maintain: API, SMTP, Outbound Delivery, Events & Logs, Inbound Email Processing, Control Panel, and Email Validation. For even more timely news about Mailgun status updates, you can subscribe to their notification service.

Optional Feature: Dedicated IP Address

Mailgun offers their customers the option of a dedicated IP address for your incoming and outgoing email. This entails an additional cost, but also eliminates the possibility of other Mailgun clients affecting your outgoing email.

For example, Mailgun’s default mail server uses an IP address shared across multiple accounts. If one account on this IP address begins to send spam messages, the IP address may be blocked. An email provider, such as Microsoft, may block the IP address as a source of spam messages. This would cause any Microsoft denominated email address (e.g.,, to reject emails sent by any Mailgun customer using the shared IP address.  In this situation, you would need to work with Mailgun customer support.

Note: The situation described above would only arise when sending emails from aACE directly to customers and other external addresses. If you use Mailgun for internal emails only, this example would not affect you.

Email Process Disabled from Persistent Error

If the aACE 'Incoming email' process encounters a persistent error for more than 15 minutes, aACE disables that process to avoid a backlog of error messages. It also sends a notice to the system administrator, explaining that a problem has been encountered which needs attention and that emails will not be downloaded until the process is re-enabled. 

To re-enable the email process, navigate from Main Menu > System Admin > Preferences > Database Management > Email Integration: Open Settings. Then mark the flag to Enable Incoming Email.