Step 4: End-User Training

This guide explains best practices and available resources for training your team members. It is intended for new users.

End-User Training

After Discovery, Configuration, Customization, and Data Migration, training general users begins. End-user training cannot occur prior because the necessary fields may not exist if there are customization requirements. 

The training strategy is to distribute materials in a simple, relatable, and effective manner: 

  • The data is real data, so end users are not asked to abstractly imagine other situations.
  • End users are presented with new workflows in a system that accommodates both the customization and familiar data.
  • “New” jobs are presented by supervisors and persons of authority. (Note: Having these supervisors forecast the benefits of these changes along the way can smooth this transition.)

Ideally, training should be reinforced with custom learning guides to support your staff. This is an additional option aACEsoft offers.

Next Step

Step 5 — Go-Live