This guide explains the aACE functionality for blind shipping. It is intended for general users.
Blind shipping refers to when a company has an ordered product shipped from the vendor to another company. However, the company customizes the shipment to appear as if it is coming from their own company (rather than from the vendor). A few examples of using blind shipping include:
- Sales orders — Your customer needs you to procure and ship a product to their customer.
- Purchase orders — You need to procure and ship a product from your vendor directly to your customer.
Blind shipping affects the documentation you provide when you send a shipment. Typically the packing list shows your company information or is left blank. Blind shipping functionality allows you to upload a customer's logo in their company record (see below), then print a packing list for a shipment with that customer's logo and address on it.
Setting Up a Customer Logo for Blind Shipping
You can upload a logo for each customer that uses blind shipping.
- Navigate from Main Menu > CRM & Sales > Companies.
- Use the Quick Search bar to locate your customer company, then display the detail view.
- Click Customer Details > Blind Shipping.
- Click Edit.
- Click the Add icon (
) above the Company Logo field.
- Locate and select the graphic to use for the company logo.
- Click Save.
Examples of Using Blind Shipping
Sales Order
On a sales order, you can mark the flag to activate blind shipping on the related shipments.
For this example, AFG Construction needs to have supplies delivered to the middle school where they are completing a project. The invoice shows the aACME logo, with AFG as the Bill To company and the high school as the Ship To company. However, the shipping documents (e.g. shipment detail view > Print > Packing List) show AFG's logo and the items. It does not show other sensitive information.
Purchase Orders
Similarly, on purchase orders, you can also mark the flag to activate blind shipping.
This allows you to have a vendor ship a product directly to your customer. Typically the packing list would show your company info. When you flag a sales order to use blind shipping, aACE will add instructions on the PO for your vendor to ship using your customer's information.