After you have customized and tested your aACE solution, you will need to migrate your business data.

Data Migration

aACE implementation includes data migration. Much of this work is performed by the project leaders that participated in the previous steps. Of course, the aACEsoft team is a resource standing by to assist. If you wish to expedite the project’s timeline, your technical team can complete much of this work while your aACEsoft advisor is working on the customization and configuration. In our experience, this phase takes approximately one month.

Data migration is a mundane task, but can have a huge impact on the success of your implementation. Our experience is that companies usually need and use less historical data than they think. The key is to find the right balance in migrating the appropriate amount of data to make the system highly functional.

Navigating this phase and properly migrating your data to aACE is critical to having a successful implementation. Thus, careful planning is needed prior to Data Migration. Your aACEsoft advisor will meet with you to map out a plan for this phase.

Learn more about data migration in the following topics:

Next Step

Step 4 — End-user Training