Programmer Mode Disclaimer

This guide provides guidelines for working in Programmer Mode. It is intended for system administrators.

Any member of your team with advanced training in FileMaker can log into aACE as a programmer to make miscellaneous changes to the system. This could include adding or changing field definitions or adjusting layouts and printouts. Depending on the level of expertise, your team could also create and integrate custom scripts and workflow adjustments.

When developing in aACE, keep the following factors in mind:

  • Avant Garde Information Solutions, LLC, is not responsible for development rendered by non-aACEsoft programmers. Please refer to your license agreement for details.
  • It is best to do development in a non-live version of the system. This prevents real data from being affected during development and testing.
  • Please coordinate any development with aACE Software to confirm that no updates are planned. FileMaker development requires a "check in / check out" system so no development is lost as files are transferred, replaced, etc.
  • It is best to confirm any major development with aACE Software to make sure the changes will not have unanticipated consequences.