Working with the General Ledger


Reassigning GL Accounts to Posted Transactions
Provides steps for reassigning posted historical transactions to different GL accounts.
Deleting Unused GL Accounts
Details the steps for removing unused general ledger accounts.
Removing Relationships to GL Accounts
Provides information about removing / changing relationships to general ledger accounts in aACE.
Reassigning GL Account from Line Item Code for List
Presents steps to reassign the GL account used in a transaction based on the related line item code's settings.
Viewing Records in the General Ledger
Describes ways to sort the general ledger to view GL transactions.
Adding an Account to the Chart of Accounts
Provides steps for updating your chart of accounts with a new GL account, such as a bank account.
Updating GL Accounts & Activity for Line Item Codes
Explains how to update GL accounts and activity for line item codes.
Overview of GL Accounts
Describes the GL Accounts module, including details such as the different account types and financial information.
Overview of GL Budgets
Explains the GL Budgets module, including details such as specific budget estimates and active tracking of accounts.