Created On: 06/02/2022
in Tax Profiles
Provides information about working with tax profiles, including default rates and exceptions to those rates (such as non-taxable items).
Created On: 06/02/2022
in Tax Profiles
Explains how to update tax profiles when tax rates change.
Created On: 06/02/2022
in Tax Profiles
Provides steps to link a tax profile to a company record.
Created On: 06/02/2022
in Tax Profiles
Details steps for connecting postal codes to a tax profile.
Created On: 06/02/2022
in Tax Profiles
Explains how to mark a customer company as exempt from tax calculations.
Created On: 06/02/2022
in Tax Profiles
Details steps and recommendations for setting up the most effective tax profiles for your company.
Provides steps for recording products shipped back to a vendor.
Provides steps for receiving return shipments from customers.
Provides steps for receiving incoming product, whether purchased from vendors or returned by customers.
Explains best practices for resolving shipment mistakes.