Updated Articles

  1. Overview of Invoice Items

    Discusses the Invoice Items module, including features such as invoice item information and related records.
  2. Overview of Receipts

    Presents the Receipts module, including features such as payment and bank information for the receipt.
  3. Overview of Disbursement Items

    Describes the Disbursement Items module, including disbursement item information and related records.
  4. Overview of Purchase Items

    Shows the Purchase Items module, including features such as purchase item information and related records.
  5. Overview of Vendor Follow-Up

    Describes the Vendor Follow-Up module, including important features such as follow-up emails and details.
  6. Overview of Task Group Items

    Describes the Task Group Items module, noting features such as related records and task group information.
  7. Overview of Template Items

    Provides a summary of features of the Template Items module, such as related records and template item information.
  8. Overview of Rate Card Items

    Describes the Rate Card Items module and its features, such as related records and rate card information.
  9. Overview of LI Code Options

    Presents the LI Code Options module and notes important features, such as related records and line item code option information.
  10. Overview of the Bill of Materials

    Explains the Bill of Materials module interface, noting features such as related records and bill of material information.