Updated Articles

  1. Managing a User's Status

    Provides steps for switching a user's access between Active and Inactive.
  2. Working with Customer Credit Card Processing

    Provides an overview of setting up your system for credit card payments and processing these payments.
  3. Adding a Credit Card Without Charging

    Provides steps to add a credit card without processing an actual charge to it.
  4. Closing Leads

    Provides steps for marking a sales lead as won or lost.
  5. Mapping Import Fields by Hand

    Explains instructions for manually matching source and target fields when importing data.
  6. Working with Volume Discount Pricing

    Explains steps to set up, configure, and remove volume discounts on a line item code.
  7. Processing Returns for Drop Shipped Inventory

    Explains steps for processing returns of drop-shipped merchandise.
  8. Data You Can Import into aACE

    Lists the kinds of information you can import from spreadsheets or using aACE mobile apps.
  9. Programmer Mode Disclaimer

    Reminders about important factors when your team makes changes to the aACE system.
  10. Troubleshooting Global Payments Integrated Errors

    Provides information about resolving issues with Global Payments Integrated software (previously OpenEdge).